Sunday, November 6, 2011

Something to think about

Body scan of 250 pound woman and 120 pound woman. If this isn't motivation to work out, I don't know what is!! Note to self: Look at the size of the intestines and stomach; how the knee joints are rubbing together; the enlarged heart; and the fat pockets near the brain.        
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Friday, November 4, 2011

Binge-eating disorders

Binge-eating is something I feel I <sometimes> struggle with. It's not an all the time thing, but on occasion I have this urge to just eat and eat for no reason.  Binge-eating is stated as a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food.  Everyone can admit to overeating at times, however, overeating for some crosses the line to binge-eating disorder and it becomes a regular occurrence, shrouded in secrecy.

There is a compulsion to eat and eat which is similar to someone that has a drinking problem.  There is something going on in the brain that doesn't give that "enough" sensation to tell you to stop. There is a certain euphoria you feel.  But who wants to admit they are a binge eater?  This is something that  is embarrassing and is very costly.  It feels good to eat, but there is a line and once that line is crossed its hard to stop.  I love to eat, who doesn't but when this happens I always feel like shit during and afterwards ....mentally, emotionally and physically.

  • Biological factors. People with binge-eating disorder may have inherited genes that made them more susceptible to developing an eating disorder. In addition, brain chemicals may be altered in people with binge-eating disorder.

  • Psychological factors. Psychological and emotional factors may also play a role in binge-eating disorder. You may have low self-worth and trouble controlling impulsive behaviors, managing moods or expressing anger.

  • Environmental factors. Modern Western culture often cultivates and reinforces a desire for thinness. Although most people who have binge-eating disorder are overweight, they are probably acutely aware of their appearance and may get angry with themselves after eating binges.


    Symptoms of binge-eating:
     *Eating large amounts of food
     *Eating even when you're full
     *Eating rapidly during binge episodes
     *Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
     *Eating a lot even though you're not hungry
     *Frequent dieting, possibly without weight loss
     *Frequently eating alone
     *Feeling depressed, disgusted or upset about your eating

    <source: Mayo Clinic website>